Are Vending Machines a Good Side Hustle?


86 thoughts on “Are Vending Machines a Good Side Hustle?

    1. Yeah, I used to work at a gas station that had a powdered coffee machine. No way in HELL I’d ever buy a vending machine version of that. Sounds like a nightmare. Bolt a keurig next to your snack machine and call it a day.

    2. ​@dooderhead He used “break” twice in his comment, and misspelled it only once, which shows he knows what’s the correct way to spell it. It happens to native speakers as well if they aren’t paying attention.

      If you weren’t so eager to make yourself look good by putting others down, maybe you would’ve noticed that.

    1. @a1234 y lose out a whole 100$ for 2 hours of work that is spread out over the month😂 100$ loss is a big amount

    2. @Redethoff it’s not a lie, I own 33 vending machines at different locations and I don’t pay electricity, so it’s actually you who is lying.

    3. Biggest Red flag to people should have been the Brand New looking Bills in the machine as well as the fact that no person would ever sell a machine that makes close to 1000 Dollars a month for less than 1000

    1. @Reterum strict 10 That’s an extra cost for you and you’ll need to take it wherever you will fix it afterwards, which will likely need a specific type of vehicle and gasoline.

    2. Yeah not to mention you need about 20 and that adds up to lots of maintenance and complaint calls

    3. ​@Anthony Tamez in what wold is spending time buying snacks, driving to / restocking multiple machines worth 400$ after placement fee, maintenance, taxes, theft ect?

      I havnt met many people with a “side hustle” that do well financially… they just have a bunch of shitty jobs. Anyone with a decent job would just work a little more there and make way more money for no risk or effort.

  1. “People always say u can make easy money selling crack on da streets, so let’s try it”
    *Gets robbed* 😂🤣😂

  2. I didn’t have to pay anything to the medical clinics that these machines came in. Some locations will charge you but some won’t because they like them. Go on Google/apple maps and look for chiropractors, dentists, barbers, medical clinics, pet hospitals, or any place where customers sit down for a while. Call these places to ask to put your machine at their business and tell them you’ll handle every single thing. Comment any questions you have and subscribe for more

    1. It’d be great if you did a video on how to negotiate prices. That’s a great skill to have

    1. I see just buy looking what about if you have to move it there cost of that and any tax or rent you may pay for its location

    2. Because he probably wanted around $4k for them in the first place, so he asked $6.5k for them, knowing people would talk him down to his actual asking price. It’s negotiating 101.

    3. Gotta realize he originally wanted that price and put that because people will try to negotiate you down

  3. yes because you can get away with selling snacks that say “NOT FOR RESALE” and “PART OF A MULTIPACK” on them lol

    1. @TYes, they do. I’ve work in distribution that delivers items FOR resale to Sam’s Club. Not every item is for resale but many of them are.

  4. The key is the key itself. People instead of buying the machines just buy used vending machine keys at swap meets and after trying them eventually they find ones that fit other peoples vending machines. They go along and collect money a few times a week but they always leave at least 40 or $50 in the machine so it looks like it’s making money and doesn’t look like someone is stealing it. There was a guy in Chicago did this for 10 years until people start putting in cameras and that’s when he got busted

    1. Lmao must of took him ten years to find some being sold at a swap meet and find the right machine 🤣

    2. Because who doesn’t want to get arrested for theft 😂 not to mention someone is going to find out they’re losing money by checking inventory

    3. That’s crazy that he got away with it for more than a months because I’d be noticing that my inventory is empty with only $50 in the box and immediately checking security footage

  5. You’ll have to get a vending permit from the city and then find a place to host it. They will require a fee or percentage yield from each monthly take. Not all that easy but certainly doable.

    1. Plus complaint calls and maintenance fees, and if you got 20 machines to get you by that becomes a fair bit of work.

    2. @BTS Army The thing is, it’s a “side hustle” when you have like 5 of them. If you wanna have more you either do it as a part time job or pay someone to do as their part time job. At that point you need to make sure there’s enough to do to fill the hours.

    1. I once negotiated the price on a 98% damn near mint condition, 1 owner 1988 Lincoln Towncar Signature with less than 40k miles from $5000 to $2000 cash. I was pretty proud of myself.

    2. As a seller, you always ask for more than you want. Never say the real price. Let them talk you down to what you actually wanted, and you’ll both walk away happy.

  6. The key is to get the real owner of those machines to let you film the inside and go withdraw some cash to make it seem like it’s easy money since that translates to views

    1. Fr he pulled out fresh dollar bills, like they were just taken out of an atm🤦🏽‍♂️ youtube shorts are an actual cancer now

    2. @shadedoom How is it fake? This is very much easy to do and literally every step here is all you would need to do…

    3. @Jon W Well, even if it was real, his mommy and daddy paid for all of it 100%. But there’s many indicators, such as the crisp new bills in the machine that are obviously fresh from the bank.

  7. It’s a great hustle for the first year. After that, you start to have repairs. You start to need upgrades. You need to regularly cycle your products according to your clients. And you didn’t need to transport the machines or find a location for them; you got them for free. You didn’t have to buy your own locks (you’re very lucky the machines weren’t broken into by a key hustler or a former owner) but trust me. Your first month of running a vending machine company is no indicator of the requirements of the business.

    1. Seriously. This kid literally skips multiple steps and other costs to make it seem like it’s a super easy and lucrative business idea. If life was that easy, everyone would be making money easily.

    1. ​@Beyond Belief straight hater mad cause he aint getting money. Must have tried this and it didnt work cause u lousey 😢

  8. I had a friend buy about 10 vending machines in Charleston South Carolina, used vending machines. He was the type of person that would keep up with the machines as far as restocking them. After three years , he got rid of all the machines. He said it was too much trouble keeping them stocked, buying the snacks for them, maintenance due to busted soda cans leaking inside the machines, people breaking in the machines stealing the money. By the end of the day there just wasn’t enough profit to keep it going. Oh another thing he said, “ I would sell these to you but I know it’s a worthless business”. Lol

  9. Bro me and my family went to Costco and we got less than All those snacks and it was 500 dollars💀💀💀💀💀

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