Is Window-Washing a good Side Hustle? 🤔


56 thoughts on “Is Window-Washing a good Side Hustle? 🤔

  1. Worst window washing EVER!!!…But I TOTALLY respect the hustle man!!


    1. If the window is clean and shiny, then it’s a job well done…no need to be an overachiever for cleaning the fking windows

  2. There’s no way you could clean all the windows of 2 storey building + windows with hard water stains in 15 minutes.

    1. @M E im with you man. people really can’t stop themselves from white knighting all the frikking time, you were just honest, not even rude XD

    1. @Joshua Debosh It’s not about being passionate. If you flipped burgers at maccas and don’t have a passion for it, but then saw someone making side hustle burgers by boiling the patties and using a rusty hammer to dig em out of the water it’d still annoy you if you thought he was not just trying to be funny

    1. @BudroBurdo, a wise man once said “you can’t keep arguing with idiots cause if you do they’ll pull you to their level and beat you to it” or something like that

    2. @Budro I mean there’s evidence I don’t know what’s he’s on about “accusing”, “rape”, “murdering” cause it’s on a completely different level from lying to get internet cloud, it’s like comparing stealing candy from a baby and an actual felony as the same

    1. In the USA, when it comes to their own homes most people do it themselves as well unless they live in a multi story house or something. The ones that don’t do it themselves and live in a one story house are too lazy to do it themselves and can afford to pay someone else to do it.

    2. @Bonk Addicct!  dude lot’s of people get their windows done in Germany. Us glass und Gebäudereiniger profis have plenty of work.

  3. This hurt me a little, so I’m gonna give some advice. A few things:
    That’s a terrible squeegee, and it’s not meant for those kinds of windows. If you plan on actually cleaning windows well, do like an hour of research on the actual tools you need to do it.
    You can get a house done with the following:
    A good squeegee (I use an Unger Ninja, but there’s cheaper stuff out there for a side hustle)
    A T-Bar with a mop head. It scrubs a lot better than that 2-in-1 meant for car windshields.
    Towels (you can get microfiber towels at Walmart or Sam’s club)
    A bucket
    A ladder (an extension pole is better most of the time, but they’re expensive)
    And finally, just some soapy water.
    Literally just get some dawn dish soap and add it to your water until the water is a little slick.
    Now, how to clean:
    Get your mop wet, and scrub the window. You don’t have to do it too hard, the soap does most of the work. Once the window is wet, use your squeegee and pull from the top down, working from one side to the other. After you’ve gotten the water off, you’ll notice that the edges of the windows are still wet. That water will run down the pane and make the window look bad after it dries. Wipe it up, and make sure that you use a dry towel to do it. Otherwise, you just smudge the window. Congratulations! You cleaned your first window. *Rinse and repeat* for the rest of the windows.

    TL;DR: Do research before charging someone for a service. Watch a couple videos, and figure out what you’re doing, first. Ask around, too.

    1. @Your bifriend Aspen I imagine fanning is figure 8 just by a different name if the point is to squeegee without taking the squeegee off the glass. Maybe there is no real apprenticeship over there, here it’s 3 years though of course that isn’t just window cleaning, it’s all the cleaning. One thing I have learned is that the vast majority of people can’t even mop a floor properly and just about every cleaning hack out there is bullshit.

    2. @Loken Grimsward oh, yeah no. 3 years is longer than I cleaned windows. And i was pretty good. I actually had to quit last week from an injury… But yeah just windows. And figure 8 is almost definitely the same as fanning

    3. @Your bifriend Aspen  That sucks dude. It’s good work if you ask me, not too heavy, not too light and here the customers might be picky but most of them tip and offer you drinks and food.

    1. True, ain’t no way somebody can just clean a 2 story building in 15 minutes without a ladder even with ladder it’s impossible to finnish in 15 min

  4. “for 15 minutes of work”
    And that’s how you know this man has never washed windows in his life. A proper single level house window wash takes 3-4 hours. 2 levels – multiply that by 1.75

    1. @Donnie Nemecek
      I don’t care how much you know what you’re doing, it’s not gonna take 15 minutes. Plus this guy doesn’t wash windows professionally – he didn’t even have the cleaning supplies. There’s no way this guy knows what he’s doing.

    2. @Ultimate Dude 15 minute depends on the windows, I did clean windows and once you get in the rythm it can actually go quite fast. 15 minutes for the house yeah doubt it too. But 3-4 hours for as single level house?? Sounds like someone is getting paid by the hour


      @micahhyt bro dont you know 1 story houses typically have 18-24 windows?! the guys math checks out

  5. Yeah, he probably meant he spend 15 minutes of setting camera on 3 different spots and pretend to wash his own windows. 50$ from YT, 10$ from his parents who finally could convince him to do it.

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