Ranking side hustles I’ve tried from worst to best


56 thoughts on “Ranking side hustles I’ve tried from worst to best

    1. ​@MR X isn’t scaleable huh?? I’m now supporting a family of 5 by myself and have grown consistently every year the past 5 years…..

  1. I would say try to get a small sponsor over drop shipping. It’s almost the same thin but at least you’re getting paid to promote their products 🤷🏾‍♂️

  2. I started flipping on eBay but I always got scammers contacting me for the purchase and I never sold much. I got sick of the scammers

    1. @Alley cat come on use your brain why would they complain about someone bidding if they payed. They clearly meant about the scammers bidding on people’s items and never paying.

    2. @Track6 use your brain instead of being rude and obtuse over nothing. They clearly didn’t say that in the first post, only that they paid last second as their only qualm. Many buyers don’t like that because they want a bidding war for a higher sale price. While they may not like that that isn’t a scam which was all I pointed out, they didn’t say the real reason until later posts.

  3. When I was about 13 I used to dig golf balls out of water traps, bleach em and resell on the course for $2 each. This only worked because I lived behind the course and there was easy access at the 11th hole so I didn’t have to pay or be near the office. Made about $2k my first summer.

    1. @The Real SkiMask6917 so lol. when yall going to learn that just because parents are rich doesnt necessarily mean they will give their kids any money or drown them in things.

    1. @Baby𖤐Jesus only if you were ignoring all the red flags lol. If everyone could invest all the time and make cash it wouldn’t really work would it. Has to be winners and losers

    2. @Razyr bots bro. They post these stupid responses to help the vid uploader. YouTube helps them after they get to a certain view level.

  4. I find going to a decent paying job does it for me.
    60k a year and not having to think or stress about it isn’t so bad, and at the end of the day, I’ve actually does something that helps someone else as opposed to trying to do the least for the most and making money by producing literally nothing.
    I wouldnt have a use for all the extra time if I wasn’t already rich anyway.

    1. I live off of less then $10,000 a year and live in the USA….but I’m not one of those people who won’t be seen in a car older the 10years and value a paid off home over a huge mortgage payment for a house that is subpar to the value they say it’s currently worth…but I also got suckered into the predatory type mortgages in 2008 and lost my home I almost had paid off simply because someone somewhere said my house was bless over night and I couldn’t refinance the construction loan I had on it until the remodel was done and the plan was to refinance into one mortgage after the value was supposed to be tripled what it originally was…but someone said nope and I couldn’t refinance and bam it was foreclosed…when u lose everything due to uncontrollable circumstances u become grateful for the little things…so I own my place and my land and I’m fixing it slowly without loans or mortgages…I own my vehicle as well…but it’s better then renting from a pos landlord who needs to inspect the apartment every month which just meant she must snoop through ur belonging to knit pick…but minimum wage where I live is still $9/hour….$60,000 is actually middle class where I’m at in Nebraska

    2. ​@Clanps Missouri isnt more expensive than South Florida and you could easily live here for 60k a year if you’re by yourself 😂

    3. I’ve done nothing but side hustles for the past 20 years. I travel full-time in my rv with my husband and 2 dogs, staying at the most beautiful places and moving every couple of weeks. I wouldn’t trade this freedom for anything.

  5. #1 sounds like something that someone who has a huge stockpile of sunglasses, spread out across multiple ebay listings, that he needs to get rid of, would suggest

  6. My favorite hustle is; i grab my drawing tablet and a carpenter pencil and go to a busy parking lot. Mall, walmart, etc. And i ask people loading their car, “I’m trying to make some extra cash. Can i draw you a picture while you’re loading your car. If they say no, no problem. Often times they’ll just give me a few bucks. If the say yes, i ask, “what do you want?” Or “what’s your favorite animal?”, if they can’t think of something. I’ve made as much as $100 on a single 5 minute sketch. And $1000+ on a weekend. I don’t even live in a major city. Skulls are requested the most it seems, and elephants for some reason.

    1. B • 0s ago yeah, definitely my favorite, not my most lucrative. Doesn’t take money, or risk to accomplish tho.

    2. Sorry for such a late reply, but do you give them the picture somehow? Or do you just show them? Sorry if that’s a dumb question.

  7. So basically, find things to sell and sell them. Man, this is groundbreaking. You’d think they’d open stores that sell used goods somewhere.

    1. You can apply that rule to all of economics when you’re being that reductionist 😂 this is a useful video, ease up!

  8. So glad my man is honest! Literally broke it down for you in 60 sec, and from experience, his advice is spot on!

  9. the ebay one is great especially if like me you work on cars a lot you accumulate a lot of parts that other car ppl need

  10. My mom does the eBay one and the only problem she has is she has rooms full of stuff that she is gonna sell lol

    1. @Colby Froude honestly this is so damn true. Literally everyone on this platform teaching others ‘how to be successful’ . It’s pretty absurd.

    2. @All Truth this is all the platform is at this point. People sending other people in a never ending circle of ‘how to make money’ . A damn shame.

  11. Facts bro been flipping items since i was 13 mega money via thrift stores ! Also getting for free and in bulk !

  12. I once found a real human skeleton at a thrift store. it was all wired and articulated, so it was probably from a medical school or doctor’s office. The thrift store thought it was fake and sold it to me for $19. I then sold it on ebay for over $1000

  13. Please be careful when wearing cheap sunglasses as they might not filter sunlight correctly and damage your eyesight.

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