Side Hustle Tournament – Powerwashing vs Flipping #shorts #sidehustle #entrepreneur #money


39 thoughts on “Side Hustle Tournament – Powerwashing vs Flipping #shorts #sidehustle #entrepreneur #money

    1. Longer. Listed items take longer to sell then just doing a day’s work. However flipping is less stressful, you can just list a bunch of stuff and go on with your life until someone messages you to buy it.

  1. Bro literally had 4 giant bins of gold balls for free bro, that could’ve been at least 200-300 if each bin had at least 150

  2. I mean, one is a lot harder than the other. Power washing usually wins, but there can be huge finds on marketplace. My advice would be doing both.

    1. Found a old hockey jersey on market place your about 30$ turns out it’s worth 5× that. People that sell items they had or inherited don’t know it true valur

    2. @𝔘𝔰𝔢𝔩𝔢𝔰𝔰 1) Hear* 2) Side hustles are for on the side, so extra money after work, so your point doesn’t work. Clearly you don’t have a job, and if you do, it’s a violation of child labor laws.

  3. I’m still waiting till ur famous so I can say I lived in the same city as you lol! But you went from 10k to 20k in like a week so congrats!

  4. Just so you know with flipping your supposed to do a lot of stuff at once. Or one expensive thing you know is worth more. Works best if you go to a yard sale

  5. What people always forget to mention is that power washing requires not only water but also CHEMICALS or whatever buildup was there will just come back again. Especially if it’s a more colder climate state. Plus you need more tools like the power washer circle thing with wheels. Forgot the name right now, so Yu are certain to get even washing. With just the nozzle you can mess up and don’t see it because it’s all wet.

  6. “Side hustle tournament round 1: picking up coins vs getting a masters degree in law school and becoming a lawyer for 45 years.”

  7. I feel like flipping would be better since it’s less time consuming, doesn’t require any prior equipment and anyone can do it

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