#sidehustle #money #shorts

You spend 3 hours on your side hustle, and you could have made that same money at your main hustle….

37 thoughts on “SIDE HUSTLES gets you CHUMP CHANGE #shorts

  1. What happens when the company just drops you after giving them 110% ? At the end of the day it’s business and they care about is there bottom line.

    1. You are missing my point. If you do that instead of being prepared then you are stuck in that type of career. Grant hasnt always made his money off of real estate and 10x. I bet he isn’t doing what his first job was. You have to look out for yourself and your loved ones. Don’t let a company control your life with money. Find different ways to make money. Ask Grant how many different businesses he has? That is what I am talking about.

  2. I sell pre-owned clothing on ebay and make a full time income working less than 30/hours a week. Took me a few years to get their but when I was able to quit my bs job and have the freedom of time, that was the best feeling. Slowly growing each year and making more and more money. It’s doable, just takes time. Also I know a few card sellers that make 100’s of thousands selling them.

    1. That is awesome congrats! Sometimes side hustles are worth it. If your 9-5 is only hourly there is not much reason to work on it outside of work yunno haha

  3. Well the real problem with this, is you have to be careful of conflict of interest. Because companies don’t want you working on a side hustle on their time.

    1. Absolutely true

      Spammy, pushy and people with #CommissionBreath aren’t really welcome anywhere these days.

    2. Be careful using company time for your own business. They have plenty of means to monitor your time use at the company you work for in most cases.
      Don’t put your job at stake I would say.

  4. Except if the boss is only going to pay you for 8 hours and that is not enough, for many people, there is no other choice than to make a few dollars doing something on the side.
    Better than them sitting on the couch watching some tv show or getting drunk.

  5. It’s more of the opposite. Most people aren’t making $10/hr outside the company, and $28/hr inside the company. More often than not, it is usually people making like $10/hr inside the company, and 28/hr outside working for themselves lol. In which case, I think that Math makes sense lol

  6. “Do you resent working at that job that much?”

    Yes. That’s exactly why there’s side hustles. I’de rather earn less with something I care about, than earn more at a place I loathe.

  7. Vertically integrate within your business is something I do and love. The only difference though is Gary V says do this if you love it or do this to get you the money to start your own thing.

    Both right.

  8. That’s actually really great advice. If you suck at your current job the side hustle will not work.

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  9. This is true I knew 2 people who worked at Michelin making $30hr and worked part time at Auto parts store for $14hr I’m like make it make sense

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