Which one are you?πŸ˜…


28 thoughts on “Which one are you?πŸ˜…

  1. I’m usually the first one lol πŸ˜‚. I seem to always need a vacation after my vacation.

  2. I’m a combination 1,2,&3 lol. Tired from traveling, stressed seeing all I need to catch up on, but glad to be back on routine at work πŸ˜‚

    1. ​@kikiTHEalienYeah, people who enjoy work still exist. They’re rare, and I’m not one of them, but they are there, probably too tired from the workload they get because management loves them, meaning they are unable to do anything else but keep working until they retire, if they get to retirement.

      They won’t be existing much longer, but they’re still around. Somehow.

  3. I’m a mix of 3 and 4. Happy to be back as long as I’m not bombarded with requests right away.

    1. @giggle_snort let them have their fun, and let us know when it’s your vacation as well!
      Personally, I’m happy knowing others are taking a well deserved time off and taking care of their mental health.
      Good for them!

  4. I’ve started leaving my β€œout of office” messages on until the day after I return. Just to be able to catch up in peace.

  5. Love this!

    As someone currently on vacation (use or lose time) that had to β€˜fix’ something yesterday and just got off a phone call today for the major project I am managing I am already figuring out how much of each of these I am πŸ˜‚

    I am about 10% 5 so that I’m not 2 upon returning and expect to be a bit 4 Monday.
    This break is solely for relaxation (and I am doing that).

    Pro tip – when I take a vacation that needs time to recover I include extra days off after the vacation.
    I also set my OOO for those vacations that
    1 – I will not read the email that comes in while I’m on vacation (and I don’t)
    2 – give contacts for who can assist in my absence and
    3 – if they need me to review/respond to resend their email after I am back.
    RARELY does someone choose option 3

    1. No one chooses #3. I just started a job and they are down 3 people who are on their vacations. 2 of those people answer phones up front, so half of my on boarding is “studying” materials while I am filling in for half the day at reception. Everyone calling for the 3 who are out wants to leave a message or an email, they all choose a different option! πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

  6. I just got back from vacation and I think I went through all these like stages of grief yesterday.

  7. I have definitely been 1 and 4. I now give myself a minimum of a full day after returning before “returning”. Gives me a chance to transition back a little more gently and catch up a bit before others even know I’m back.

    1. Oh, you absolutely keep your Out Of Office reply on for your first day back.

      I don’t think I know anyone who DOESN’T do that.

  8. My husband always schedules things one day after he’s back from vacation, like meetings or the automatic email response that he’s not available until XX (date). Like that he can catch up on anything important on his first day back at the office in peace

  9. When I go on vacation I always come back one or two days ealier, so I can just ‘arrive’ at home and relax a bit before having to work again.

    Vacations are great, but sometimes exhausting, especially if you’re on a city trip or other active vacation

  10. I am always #2, that’s why I have taken a full week of in 10 years. I only take long weekends, because it’s too much to return to. Feels like a punishment for taking PTO😒.

  11. I am so number 4. Not to my coworker’s, but to everyone outside the office that I work with. I always add an extra day to my away message so that I have a whole day to catch up on emails with no pressure.

  12. 4 is spot on. I still have plenty of unread emails from my last vacation. If it’s important, people will eventually reach out again.

  13. I always endure that I give myself a day after I get back from a holiday. It’s great because I get a day to unpack, unwind, and relax, and also because if I end up getting a cancelled flight, I at least will get home in time for work

  14. I usually have my mailbox cleaned up in an hour or two and are now catching up on the happenings of right now. I go on maternity leave in two weeks and I can’t see my inbox running the same way πŸ˜‚

  15. I’m the sixth. I usually take long vacations because I need to travel on the other side of the world to see my family, I generally stay there for a month.
    When I’m back I need to take a couple of days to remember how to do my job πŸ˜…

  16. I’m 2, never fails. I was sick one day and I have so many emails from that day. They had all week to tell me but they waited until I was out of the office.

  17. A mix of 1 and 4 usually πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I usually set my OOO for the day after I come back so that ppl do not expect an answer right awayπŸ˜‚

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